11 March 2023

Crafting SEO-Friendly URLs- Comprehensive Guide

Crafting SEO-Friendly URLs: The Comprehensive Guide

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In the world of SEO, URLs play a vital role. They serve as a crucial element in catering to the needs of users and search engines alike. SEO-friendly URLs are concise, keyword-rich, and designed to meet the expectations of search engines. In fact, Google’s SEO starter guide dedicates an entire section to the importance of URLs. So, let’s dive into some best practices for creating SEO-friendly URLs that will help boost your website’s visibility and improve your search engine rankings.

Use a Keyword

When crafting your URL, it’s essential to incorporate a keyword that is relevant to the content on your page. By including a keyword in your URL, you signal to Google that this page is focused on a specific topic. For example, if your target keyword for a page is “SEO tools,” ensure that your URL incorporates that keyword. This not only helps search engines understand the content of your page but also improves its visibility in search results.

Use Hyphens Between Words

To make your URL more readable for both search engines and users, it’s important to use hyphens as “word separators” in your URL. For instance, instead of using underscores or spaces, use hyphens to separate words in your URL. For example, a URL like backlinko.com/seo-site-audit is much clearer than backlinko.com/seositeaudit. This practice helps search engines recognize individual words within the URL and improves overall readability.

Keep It Short

Creating concise URLs is crucial for both users and search engines. Long and complex URLs can confuse search engines and make it difficult for them to crawl and understand your content. Additionally, shorter URLs tend to perform better in search engine rankings. So, aim to keep your URLs brief yet informative. This not only helps individual pages rank better but also assists search engines in finding and indexing all of your pages.

Make It Enticing

Your URL can significantly impact whether users choose to click on your site in search results or not. People often use the URL as a determining factor in deciding where a link will lead them. By following the best practices mentioned above, such as using short URLs and incorporating relevant keywords, you naturally create URLs that are more appealing to users. A clear and enticing URL can increase the likelihood of users clicking on your website.

Stick to Lowercase

While modern servers treat capital and lowercase letters in URLs similarly, it’s advisable to use lowercase for all letters in your URLs. This helps maintain consistency and avoids any potential confusion or duplication issues. By sticking to lowercase letters, you ensure that your URLs are uniform and easier to manage.

Avoid Dates

In the past, it was common practice for content management systems like WordPress to automatically include dates in URLs. However, there are two key reasons why you should avoid this practice. Firstly, including dates in your URLs can make them longer and more complex, which is not ideal for SEO purposes. Secondly, it can make updating your content more challenging, as changing the date in the URL may require additional steps. Therefore, it’s best to omit dates from your URLs to keep them concise and flexible.

Focus on Navigation

Well-structured URL subfolders can greatly enhance user experience and assist both users and search engines in understanding the structure of your website. By organizing your URLs into logical subfolders, you provide clear navigation paths for users and make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your site. This practice improves overall website usability and helps search engines better understand the hierarchy of your content.

Utilize HTTPS

While HTTPS is more associated with security than URLs, it’s crucial to consider its impact on your website’s SEO. Google has stated that HTTPS-secured sites have a ranking advantage over non-secure sites. Therefore, it’s prudent to switch to HTTPS if you haven’t already done so. By incorporating HTTPS into your URLs, you not only improve the security of your website but also gain a potential SEO boost.

Don’t Use Blog Post Titles

Using blog post titles as URLs may seem convenient, but it often results in longer and less optimized URLs. Additionally, it can make updating your content more challenging, as changing the title may require modifying the URL as well. Instead, focus on creating concise and keyword-rich URLs that accurately reflect the content of your blog post.

Avoid Dynamic Parameters

Dynamic URL parameters, such as UTM tracking codes, can cause issues from an SEO perspective. They can make your URLs longer and more complex, potentially leading to duplicate content issues with search engines. It’s best to avoid using dynamic parameters in your URLs whenever possible to maintain clean and optimized URLs.

Prefer Subfolders Over Subdomains

When structuring your website, it’s generally more SEO-friendly to use subfolders rather than subdomains. Google may consider a subdomain as a separate website, which can dilute the overall authority and ranking potential of your main domain. By using subfolders, you keep all your content within a single domain, consolidating its authority and improving its chances of ranking higher in search results.


In conclusion, crafting SEO-friendly URLs is about finding the right balance between user-friendliness and search engine optimization. By incorporating relevant keywords, using hyphens to separate words, keeping URLs short and enticing, and following other best practices outlined above, you can create URLs that are both user-friendly and optimized for search engines. Remember, understanding the principles involved is key to creating effective SEO-friendly URLs that will improve your website’s visibility and drive organic traffic.

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