03 April 2023

SEO Content Writing- Effective Tips for Increasing Blog Visibility

ConvertKit: The Ultimate Guide

Table of Contents

In the digital world, where an email list is as valuable as gold, ConvertKit emerges as a treasure chest. This email service provider (ESP), created by Nathan Barry, offers a blend of simplicity and power that continues to attract a growing audience. Primarily targeted towards online creators such as bloggers and vloggers, ConvertKit is also praised for its customizable sign-up forms and landing pages that effectively generate email subscribers.

Why Choose ConvertKit?

When it comes to choosing an ESP, ConvertKit stands out from the crowd. Unlike other providers built on outdated technology, ConvertKit offers a modern, user-friendly design. It avoids unnecessary complexities found in tools like Keap or outdated offerings like MailChimp. Instead, ConvertKit provides what you need without an exorbitant price tag or an overload of ecommerce-focused features.

Dive into ConvertKit

To truly understand ConvertKit, let’s take a closer look at its five main tabs: Subscribers, Landing Pages & Forms, Broadcasts, Sequences, and Automations. Each of these tabs plays a crucial role in maximizing the potential of your email marketing efforts.


ConvertKit’s ingenuity lies in the way it counts unique subscribers, rather than multiple sign-ups from the same entity. The ‘Subscribers’ tab provides a clear picture of your subscriber demographics, growth rate, average open rates, click rates, and total emails sent. This dashboard not only helps track growth but also offers valuable insights into subscriber interaction.

Organizing subscribers is made easy through the use of segments and tags. Tags can be automatically assigned based on sign-up timings, email interactions, and more. Segments are created from different tags, enabling targeted email campaigns. ConvertKit also remembers the opt-in form through which the subscriber joined your list, allowing you to tag them accordingly.


Automation is currently the buzzword in email marketing circles. While tools like Drip can handle complicated funnels and automations, they often come with a steep learning curve. ConvertKit’s automation tool strikes the golden mean by providing a simple yet robust solution.

ConvertKit’s automations consist of triggers (events or behaviors that start the automation) and actions (the intended outcome). With six different automation templates available for tasks such as product launches or webinars, ConvertKit offers flexibility without complexity.

Landing Pages and Forms

ConvertKit empowers you to create customizable forms and landing pages for free. Even if you use third-party tools for front-end forms, you’ll still need to set up a form in your ConvertKit account.

While landing pages are optional, they can be highly beneficial for those who don’t want to create new pages for every single ebook or report. With ConvertKit’s landing page templates, scaling up becomes easy and efficient.

Broadcasts and Sequences

ConvertKit allows you to send two types of emails: broadcasts and sequences. Broadcasts are one-time emails sent to your entire list or to a segment of it. Sequences, on the other hand, are series of emails sent with a delay between each one. Both broadcasts and sequences can be personalized based on subscribers’ names, tags, and more using the “personalize” options when drafting a new email.


In this comprehensive guide to ConvertKit, we have covered all its features and functionalities in detail. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced online creator looking for an efficient ESP, ConvertKit could be the answer you’ve been searching for. With its user-friendly interface, wide range of features, and affordable pricing plans, this platform simplifies the process of building an effective email list from scratch.

So gear up and explore ConvertKit today! Start harnessing the power of email marketing to grow your online presence and connect with your audience like never before. With ConvertKit by your side, you’ll have the tools you need to succeed in the digital world.

Remember, effective SEO copywriting is crucial for increasing your blog’s visibility. By following these SEO blog writing tips and conducting thorough keyword research, you can optimize your content to rank higher in search engine results. So don’t underestimate the power of SEO when it comes to driving traffic to your blog.

Now go forth and create compelling content that not only resonates with your audience but also attracts new readers through effective SEO strategies. Happy writing!