17 April 2023

The Art of Resource Page Link Building- SEO Strategies for Effective Backlinks

The Art of Resource Page Link Building

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If you’re diving into the realm of search engine optimization (SEO), you might have encountered a strategy called Resource Page link building. It is a prevalent and effective tactic. However, I have noticed that many people don’t fully grasp this method’s actual potential. So, let’s delve into the details and understand why it is such a potent link-building strategy.

Resource Page link building revolves around securing backlinks from curated lists of external website links, commonly known as resource pages. This might seem straightforward, but the devil is in the details.

The reason Resource Page link building is potent lies in its simplicity. When someone decides to include your link on their resource page, you’re adding value to their page. Resource pages aim to direct their viewers to quality content on other sites. If your resource fits the bill, it’s easy to secure a link without much persuasion. In some cases, resource pages even encourage suggestions for new resources, making your task even easier.

I’ve found considerable success with this strategy, and I am not alone. According to a survey by Search Engine Land, resource page link building ranks as the second most preferred link-building strategy among SEO professionals.

Let’s Get Down To The Nitty-Gritty: The Best Practices

Identifying Resource Pages through Search Strings

Your first task is to identify resource pages within your industry. Use search strings they commonly use – for instance, your keyword combined with words like “best resources,” “useful resources,” or “helpful links.” For my SEO blog, I use “SEO” as my keyword in these search strings and scan through the search results to find high-quality resource pages.

Unearthing Different Types of Resource Pages

Diversification is key in link building. Beyond traditional resource pages, you should look for those that curate content but don’t necessarily use terms like “resources” in their titles or descriptions. Use search strings like “best sites,” “best blogs,” “blog awards,” or “places to learn” to detect them.

A competing website can be a goldmine of information for your own link building efforts. Tools like Semrush can help you uncover backlinks to your competitor’s site and provide insight into which resource pages are linking to them.

Before reaching out with a request for a link, look for broken links on resource pages related to your niche. Informing the site’s admin about these broken links shows you’re helpful and significantly increases your chances of securing a backlink.

Focusing On Realistic Targets

Not every resource page will be open to suggestions from external sites. Some may only link to .edu and .gov sites or restrict themselves to their own content. Identifying and focusing on pages open to external links will save you considerable time and effort.

Using a Mix of Broad and Specific Searches

A good practice is to use both specific and broad search strings related to your niche. That way, you cast a wider net, increasing your chances of finding high-potential resource pages.

Reaching Out To The Right Person

For the best results, directly contact the person who manages the resource page rather than using generic contact forms. Keep your communication personalized and suggest where your link would best fit on their page.


Resource page link building is an effective strategy that requires a nuanced understanding and execution for maximum benefit. It involves identifying potential resource pages, understanding what they look for, tailoring your outreach accordingly, and making it easy for them to add your link.

So there you have it—a deep dive into the world of Resource Page link building. With these insights in hand, you’re now equipped to venture forth and secure potent backlinks for your site strategically.

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