28 April 2023

The Art of Effective SEO Copywriting- Content Audit Guide

The Art and Science of Content Audits: An In-Depth Guide

Table of Contents

It is crucial to recognize the significance of a well-executed content audit. Beyond being a mere review of your website’s content, a content audit can provide valuable insights into what is working, what needs improvement, and how to enhance your overall content strategy. In this comprehensive guide, I will outline the step-by-step process of conducting a thorough content audit.

The Essence of a Content Audit

At its core, a content audit is a meticulous evaluation of your website’s content. It allows you to assess and analyze all the content on your site, identifying areas that require adjustments, complete overhauls, or removal. Additionally, it can reveal patterns and strategies that have proven successful for your brand.

The urgency for conducting content audits stems from their ability to enhance your content marketing strategy. By identifying underperforming content and working to improve it, you enable continuous growth and improvement. Furthermore, a content audit provides an opportunity to celebrate and recognize your top authors, boosting motivation within your team.

My personal experience at Backlinko serves as a testament to the power of content audits. Through this process, I was able to revitalize previously successful content that had started to lose its impact, resulting in an impressive 33.88% increase in my site’s search engine traffic.

The Blueprint of a Content Audit

Step #1: Streamline Your Content

The initial step in conducting a content audit is to identify and eliminate underperforming pages on your site. By removing content that isn’t generating traffic or sales, you can focus on improving what truly matters. Utilizing tools like Google Analytics can be highly effective in locating poor-performing content.

Once you have identified this low-yielding content, you have several options: delete the content outright, consolidate it with another related piece on your site, create a 301 redirect to a similar page, or combine multiple pieces into an ultimate guide.

Step #2: Traffic-Based Assessment

After eliminating the weak performers, shift your focus to the remaining content and evaluate it based on traffic. Contrary to complex formulas that involve numerous factors like social shares, bounce rate, comments, and backlinks, I recommend using one primary metric - traffic.

Assessing the performance of your content based on traffic provides a clear and unambiguous measure of its effectiveness. However, if SEO is a primary concern in your audit, considering backlinks could provide valuable insights.

It is crucial to understand that not all pieces of content are solely designed for driving traffic. Some content may have been created with the specific goal of generating backlinks. A piece that may not rank highly in terms of monthly traffic but has accumulated a significant number of backlinks can still be deemed successful.

Step #4: Augment and Reintroduce

Identifying subpar content is only half the battle; the real work lies in improving it. The methods for improvement are numerous and depend on the type of content. You can add visual elements, update links and images, enhance readability, or expand on its scope.

Step #5: Capitalize on High-Converting Content

While it is essential to base your audit largely on traffic, conversions should not be entirely ignored. Not all traffic guarantees leads and sales conversion. Therefore, it is helpful to identify which content converts best and strategize ways to increase that type of content.

Step #6: Document Key Learnings

At the end of the improvement phase, it is crucial to document what you have learned. This exercise aids in understanding what worked well and what didn’t, providing valuable lessons for future strategizing.


Content audits are not just about identifying and removing low-performing content; they are about taking stock of your current situation and strategically planning for future growth. In business and in life, staying on top requires continuous evolution, learning from past experiences, and making necessary changes.

Remember, tools like Google Search Console or Semrush can aid in executing your site audit effectively. Embrace this process as an opportunity to learn and grow because the better your content, the better your chances of success in today’s competitive digital landscape.